Friday 30 May 2008

Britney Spears Victorious In Child Custody Case

Britney Spears has successfully won more visitation rights of her two young sons after appealing in court yesterday.

Sean Preston and Jayden James have  been living with their dad Kevin Federline since the pop wreck held them hostage earlier this year, but as a result of her continuous good progress, she has been granted more access to the tots.

Speaking outside court after yesterday's hearing, Kaplan added that the court meeting was "a step going forward" for both his client and Spears.

He said: "The order that was in place has remained in place but there has been a graduated expansion of time."

Federline's attorney said: "What was a seemingly daily situation in extreme flux has been stabilised."

Following the hearing, a statement from Spears' parents read: "We are so pleased with Britney's progress and we are very appreciative of the court's recognition of this progress."

A progress hearing will be held on 15 July and another hearing will be held in August to review "how the modified custody arrangement has evolved".

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